Let's Discuss
June 8, 2023

I'm still learning. Thank you.

I'm still learning. Thank you.

To my friends, my listeners, and my supporters:

Wow! What a tremendous ride this project has been so far. This was not what I originally set out to do, but I'm thankful I did. I love having conversations with individuals. Each guest so far has been amazing. When discussing people's traumas and challenges, it's important to be delicate and respectful when "peeling the onion" of their story. I hope you have enjoyed the content so far.

With 14 recorded episodes so far (not all have been released yet), and all 20 guests scheduled for season one; all that I can say is that I've learned so much about myself in the process. Each person has a unique story that joins Unfiltered Discussions. I have been able to identify myself in each story; whether it be something similar that I share with them in experience, or the ability to relate empathetically and emotionally. This has been a helluva journey so far.

I'm excited to wrap up season one in August and to continue to receive feedback from you until then. Honestly, this is a passion project of mine at this point.

Thanks for listening, subscribing, sharing the content and episodes with friends and loved ones, and a special "thank you" to those who have contributed via Buy Me A Coffee. Thank you to Dave & Martha, Ashley, Brandis, Jenny, Matt & Vanessa for your generous contributions.

Finally, I'm thankful for you: the listeners. The feedback that you have provided and shared has been exceptional. I've been able to relay your messages and comments to the guests. Honestly, it's confirmed to them that their story can have a positive impact on others; thus confirming their motivation to speak about their experiences.

I have several friends and acquaintances who want to share their stories. Season two will start after a 6-week break, and I'll start scheduling and recording again in the fall. If you know of someone who has a story they'd like to share, please have them contact me directly at unfiltereddiscussionspod@gmail.com.

Cheers to more stories!
