Season Finale

My Unfiltered Friends,
Firstly, thank you for continuing to support this podcast and bringing life to the stories shared on this program. It's been a privilege to share these discussions with you. As I write this blog, we are halfway through publishing season three. This season has offered many blessings so far, and there are a few surprises remaining as well.
I've been asked several times why I don't share my story on an episode. I haven't done that because I want this podcast to share others' stories. Many of you who I don't know personally may want to know more about me. I've decided that instead of a season-in-review episode, which is generally not fun for me to record, I'd give you what you want. But I need your help. I need questions that you want me to answer. Think of this like an "Ask Me Anything" segment. I will take the questions and answer them in a long-form discussion, similar to an interview I host.
Your questions can be emailed to, or you can comment on the social media post that brought you to this blog. I am looking for 25-30 questions to sort through. Allow me to tell my story through your questions. Like my guests, I commit to being candid and unfiltered in my responses.
I look forward to finishing up this season soon and continuing to provide you with great content.