John Teakell is an esteemed Federal Criminal Defense Attorney based in Dallas, Texas, who founded The Law Office of John R. Teakell. With an unwavering commitment to criminal defense, he leads a firm renowned for securing favorable outcomes, even in...
John Teakell is an esteemed Federal Criminal Defense Attorney based in Dallas, Texas, who founded The Law Office of John R. Teakell. With an unwavering commitment to criminal defense, he leads a firm renowned for securing favorable outcomes, even in the most challenging and high-profile cases. Boasting a wealth of experience, John has served as both a state and federal prosecutor, offering him a unique perspective on legal intricacies. Widely recognized for his expertise, he has been rated among the Nation’s Top 1% of Attorneys.
John has successfully defended hundreds of individuals charged with Texas and Federal Felonies, solidifying his reputation as a formidable advocate for justice. Beyond the courtroom, he has contributed to the legal discourse as a seasoned commentator on various legal issues, showcasing his multifaceted commitment to criminal defense law.
Unfiltered Discussions with Brian Howard is a Spreaker Prime podast.
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Criminal Defense Attorney
John Teakell is an esteemed Federal Criminal Defense Attorney based in Dallas, Texas, who founded The Law Office of John R. Teakell. With an unwavering commitment to criminal defense, he leads a firm renowned for securing favorable outcomes, even in the most challenging and high-profile cases. Boasting a wealth of experience, John has served as both a state and federal prosecutor, offering him a unique perspective on legal intricacies. Widely recognized for his expertise, he has been rated among the Nation’s Top 1% of Attorneys.
John has successfully defended hundreds of individuals charged with Texas and Federal Felonies, solidifying his reputation as a formidable advocate for justice. Beyond the courtroom, he has contributed to the legal discourse as a seasoned commentator on various legal issues, showcasing his multifaceted commitment to criminal defense law.
Here are some great episodes to start with.